One of the best ways to build awareness and attention of your business is through advertising. Many companies, especially small and medium-size companies, shy away from advertising because of the cost. However, thanks to the Internet, businesses can promote their products and services at a reasonable price on Google and social media.
For companies that do have the resources, traditional advertising may still be the right avenue for you to grow your brand and revenue. Print, TV, and radio offer numerous options when it comes to advertising, not to mention outdoor opportunities, like billboards and vehicle wrapping.
Our team will help you pinpoint the best places to advertise so your target audiences see and recognize your brand as a leader in your industry.
Advertising Research
If you’re thinking of advertising, but don’t know where to start, let us help. We can review your goals, budget, and target audiences, and find the best opportunities to build your business through advertising. Once you’ve discovered your best options, we’ll help you execute by creating advertisements that will influence your potential customers and help you succeed.
Google AdWords
There are over 40,000 search queries every second on Google, making it the most popular search engine in the world. People are searching for answers to questions, help with problems, and information on products and services. With so much attention on Google, it’s no wonder companies are working feverishly to improve their organic search results through SEO.
Fortunately, Google makes it easy for companies to grace the front page of their site: AdWords. Google AdWords is a simple pay-per-click online advertising tool that takes advantage of Google’s own search algorithms to provide consumers with answers and products they’re searching for.
Our team has extensive experience creating and maintaining Google AdWord campaigns for clients, and we can do the same for you. We will also provide you with monthly reports that break down Google’s data into consumable, understandable feedback so we can help you improve your AdWords performance each month for better ROI.
Facebook Advertising
Like Google, Facebook understands the power of online advertising and makes it easy for companies to promote their products and services on the social site. Based on your target audiences, Facebook advertising may be a strong option for promoting your business online.
We are ready to help you make the most of your online marketing and start Facebook advertising today.
Traditional Media Buying
For those businesses that can benefit from traditional advertising, our team can help you get the most bang for your buck by determining the right outlets to advertise with and which programs work best for you and your budget. Additionally, we’ll help you plan and develop ads that will connect with your target audiences and support your bottom line.